the first post

hey look i made a webpage! thank you for coming; its making me grin all silly. this is the inaugural post. kind of. to celebrate, i have some free music for you to gander through your earballs.[soundcloud url="" params="show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=00c3ff" width="100%" height="81" ]little improvised music for flowerpots. they were finnish flower pots--the accent doesn't bother me though.[soundcloud url="" params="show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=00c3ff" width="100%" height="81" ]this is the first in a series of 10 sounds of machines that don't exist. what would a machine with this sound do?you can download these by pressing the arrow on the right side of the player.please poke around.cheers.


chord four mostly west coast summer tour dates


digitization in progress