what if it sounded like

 here's photos of 7 out of 15 pieces displayed at the long beach soundwalk. the pictures were taken alternately by sasha swedlund and peter woodford. sasha also fabricated the pieces from my specifications, because i'm a printing lab dunce, and installed them, because i was on tour. many thanks to sasha. they were placed three or four to a block, along the route of the soundwalk.the event as a whole did good business this year, and people seemed to receive these pieces very well: they were curious, and apparently small children were mimicking the suggested sounds with their mouths. complete success.admittedly this format doesn't give nearly the same experience, but i hope you like it anyhow. thanks kindly and cheers.a version of this piece may be shown in a group exhibition in england later this year or early 2012


chord four tour three recap madness


chord four tour three // long beach soundwalk