
i just paid this years' bill for the site. i wanted to post something, if only to feel like i get some small return on my investment. i have a few drafts of posts saved--one on 'major = happy,' a primer on drum chart notation, musings on form. what i want to be posting is shows, but i haven't had many recently, so using a calendar widget would mostly be depressing. what i want to be posting is crap i've made, but i haven't really made anything. i have a few drafts of pieces saved--one 'about' entropy and grids, one 'about' ornamentation, musings on form. even this post needs a last sentence.

here is a randomly generated sentence from wordgenerator.net:

the bent amusement catalogues the smash.





(ps-the image at the top was also randomly generated, by tazerenix.com/randomimgur.php)


contemporary big band concert


goddammit duchamp